Lise Kingo is the CEO and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, which is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative with more than 13,500 signatories from 170 countries that have committed to aligning strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and taking actions that advance societal goals. Prior to joining the UN Global Compact in 2015, Ms. Kingo was Chief of Staff, Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Management team at Novo Nordisk A/S since 2002. She was in charge of several business areas and pioneered the first Novo Nordisk strategy on sustainability, spearheading the integration of sustainability into the heart of the business, showcasing the mutual benefits for both the company and society. Before 2002, Ms. Kingo held various positions at NovoZymes A/S and Novo A/S, including Director of Environmental Affairs and Senior Vice President of Business Support. She was responsible for a number of areas covering growth and operations such as Environmental Affairs, People Management, Communications and Branding. Furthermore Ms. Kingo was the founder and primary force behind the first sustainability strategy at NovoZymes. Until Ms. Kingo started her work with UN Global Compact, she was chair of the board at Steno Diabetes Center and has throughout her career, held a number of board positions in foundations as well as in companies, such as Grieg Star Shipping in Norway and GN Great Nordic. She was also a Professor at the Medical Faculty, Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and the Chair of the Danish Council for Corporate Social Responsibility. Ms Kingo has received several awards such as the Edinburgh Medal and the Copenhagen Business School 2018 Honorary Alumni Award. She is also a UN Gender Champion. Ms. Kingo holds a Master of Science degree in Responsibility and Business Practice from the University of Bath, United Kingdom, a Bachelors of Arts in The Science of Religions and Ancient Greek Culture from the Universities of Aarhus and Odense, Denmark as well as a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Economics from the Copenhagen Business School. She is also certified by INSEAD’s International Directors Program in Corporate Governance.
”Verdens mest ambitiøse vision” og ”Den største ledelsesudfordring nogensinde” er bare et par af de overskrifter, der knyttes til FN’s Verdensmål.
VL Døgnet 2019 samlede den 6. juni de mest markante stemmer fra dansk og udenlandsk erhvervsliv, som udfordrede og inspirerede til, at virksomhedslederne sætter farten op og er med i kapløbet om at nå Verdensmålene i 2030.
Til Verdensmålene LIVE! blev der talt business cases og konkrete løsninger til, hvordan Verdensmålene er og kan blive god forretning og en ny driver for ordentlig forretningsmoral. Verdensmålene, som trådte i kraft den 1. januar 2016 og består af i alt 17 mål, har mange egenskaber; De er løsning på økonomiske, sociale og miljømæssige udfordringer, og et unikt redskab til at åbne op for nye markeder, udvikle nye produkter, hverve unge talenter og styrke sit purpose.
Det er vores erklærede mål at skabe engagement, der kan sætte Verdensmålene på erhvervslivets agenda. I løbet af foråret 2019 involverede vi VL-medlemmerne i at arbejde med potentialet i at gøre Verdensmålene til et konkurrenceparameter og sikre Verdensmålene en motiverende og forpligtende plads i virksomhedernes forretningsgrundlag.
På VL Døgnet kulminerede forårets arbejde.
Det har aldrig været vigtigere, at vi som erhvervsledere er vores ansvar bevidst.
Verdensmålene giver os anledning til at handle og dermed skabe nye veje til både styrket forretning og bæredygtig velstand, fred og retfærdighed.
VL Døgnet blev arrangeret i samarbejde med UNICEF
Lise Kingo
Jim Hagemann Snabe
Claus V. Hemmingsen
Bjarke Ingels
Christos Stylianides
Rikke Rønholt Albertsen
Thomas Kirk Kristiansen
Will Sarni
Jimmy Maymann
Mette Lykke
Eva Kruse
Anders Dons
Thomas Hofman-Bang
Torben Möger Pedersen
Meg Brown
Torben Huss
Katherine Richardson
Flemming Besenbacher
Flemming Jensen
Dan Boyter
Thorkil Sonne
Anders Top Haustrup
Christina Boutrup
Lars Sandahl Sørensen
Dr. Deborah Dunsire
Alexander Lacik
Sebastian Dawe
Geoff Kendall
Marcos Athias Neto
Aric Dromi
Michael Stausholm
Hans Axel Kristensen
Kasper Larsen
Anne-Louise Thon Schur
Niels Fibæk
Jesper Nygård, Realdania
Mark Watts
Thomas Ravn-Pedersen
Tania Holt
Philip Christiani
Løverne LIVE!
Mia Wagner
Jan Dal Lehrmann
Peter Warnøe
Jared Heymann
Charlotte Beder
Steffen Kretz
Pernille Enggaard
Carsten Topholt
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