Lise Kingo is former CEO and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, which is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative with more than 13,500 signatories from 170 countries that have committed to aligning strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and taking actions that advance societal goals. Prior to joining the UN Global Compact in 2015, Lise Kingo was Chief of Staff, Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Management team at Novo Nordisk A/S since 2002. She was in charge of several business areas and pioneered the first Novo Nordisk strategy on sustainability, spearheading the integration of sustainability into the heart of the business, showcasing the mutual benefits for both the company and society. Before 2002, Ms. Kingo held various positions at NovoZymes A/S and Novo A/S. Furthermore, Lise Kingo was the founder and primary force behind the first sustainability strategy at NovoZymes. She has received several awards such as the Edinburgh Medal and the Copenhagen Business School 2018 Honorary Alumni Award and is further a UN Gender Champion. Among others Lise Kingo holds a Master of Science degree in Responsibility and Business Practice from the University of Bath, United Kingdom.
Sustainability Mindset
Tirsdag den 23. februar bød Clement Kjersgaard indenfor til årets første virtuelle episode og en samtale om, hvordan ledelsen sætter retningen for at arbejde for en bæredygtig verden – og om forankringen i virksomhedens Purpose, Strategi, Kultur og medarbejdernes identitet.
Vi spurgte deltagerne fra vores Advisory Board, som er frontløberne på bæredygtig ledelse, hvordan de startede, og om hvor de er nu i processen? Hvordan har målene om bæredygtighed givet værdi i virksomhederne både økonomisk og socialt? Hvad indebærer det at tage et samfundsansvar? Der blev talt om, hvordan det lykkes at få skabt en ny kultur, om risikovillighed og selvledelse med mindre stress.

Lise Kingo
Tidligere direktør i United Nations Global Compact samt koncerndirektør i Novo Nordisk A/S – VL 3

Claus V. Hemmingsen
DFDS, Maersk Drilling, HusCompagniet & Innargi – VL46

Jesper Nygård
Realdania – VL2

Annemarie Meisling
Chr. Hansen – VL23

Steen Vallentin

Clement Behrendt Kjersgaard

Ida Bratting Kongsted
VL – VL16

Industriens Hus

Sustainable Leadership
Essensen af VL’s formål er at fremme moderne og ansvarlig ledelse og bidrage til bæredygtig, økonomisk fremgang. Det har givet os anledning til at genbesøge de tre foregående årstemaer FN’s Verdensmål som konkurrenceparameter, Responsible Business – A Competitive Advantage og Digital Reshaping og forene dem i årstemaet for 2022: Sustainable Leadership.
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