Marcus Wallenberg is since 2005 Chair of the Board of Directors of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), a North European financial group for 400,000 corporate customers, and 4 million private customers. In Sweden and the Baltic countries, SEB offers universal financial services and in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany and UK the bank focus on corporate and investment banking. Marcus Wallenberg also chairs the board of Saab AB, FAM AB, Patricia Industries and serves on the boards of Investor AB, AstraZeneca Plc and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. He is the former Chair of LKAB and Electrolux AB and held the position as Chairman and Honorary Chairman of ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) from 2006 to July 2010. Marcus Wallenberg serves on several international advisory boards, including those of Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Temasek International Panel, McKinsey & Co and Asia Global Institute. He is also a member of Asia Business Council and Co-chair of Saudi Sweden Joint Business Council and India Sweden Joint Business Round Table. Marcus Wallenberg holds a B. Sc of Foreign Service from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Årsmøde & Generalforsamling blev holdt den 6. oktober eksklusivt for medlemmer via LIVE-STREAMING fra og hos PwC, Hellerup.
Et mindre publikum havde sikret sig en fysisk plads ved VL’s årsmøde hos PwC i Hellerup, mens næsten 500 VL-medlemmer fulgte LIVE-streamingen og et festfyrværkeri af ekspert-indslag fra ind- og udland.
Det har stået øverst på manges ønskeliste, og nu er det virkelighed – VL’s årstema for 2020/2021 hedder Digital Reshaping, og tirsdag blev det skudt i gang med et festfyrværkeri af indslag af topnavne fra ind- og udland.

Marcus Wallenberg

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Three impossible things before breakfast: Talent, Talk and Trust

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Christine Sørensen

Henrik Bodskov
Three impossible things before breakfast: Talent, Talk and Trust

Clement Behrendt Kjersgaard

Lars Lokdam

Lisbeth Knudsen

Ida Bratting Kongsted
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