Breaking: Løverne bliver LIVE på VL Døgnet
En række ”Løver” fra DR´s populære serie ”Løvens Hule” er nu klar til VL Døgnet, hvor opgaven er at vurdere og investere i lovende forretningsideer, som alle tager udgangspunkt i Verdensmålene.
Det er essensen af VL´s fokus i 2019. At virksomhedsledere skal se Verdensmålene som en forretningsmulighed og et konkurrenceparameter, som de skal forfølge strategisk.
På VL Døgnet er ‘Løverne’ klar til eventuelt at investere med deres egne penge, og de er ikke på forhånd bekendt med, hvilke cases, som VL Døgnet 2019 præsenterer dem for. Det eneste de ved, er, at det er iværksættercases, der arbejder strategisk med Verdensmålene; ‘Born SDG’s’
Løverne LIVE! er stærke gengangere suppleret med en særlig international gæst.
Mød de fire ‘løver’:
Mia Wagner, Jan Dal Lehrmann, Peter Warnøe og Jared Heymann
(Sessionen på VL Døgnet Løverne LIVE! holdes kl. 14.45-15.30 og er på engelsk)
Fotograf: Trine Willer.

Mia Wagner, Chief Executive Officer of the Freeway group
Mia Wagner is the Chief Executive Officer of the Freeway group. Freeway has the full or partial ownership of +30 mainly web based companies such as,,,, and She is an investor on the Danish version of “Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank” where she is the only female representative. Mia Wagner is a master of Law and has a degree in dispute resolution and is an experienced negotiator. She is the chairman of several boards and she uses her strong experience as a lawyer combined with a life-long learning in the startup environment as a leader and board member.

Jan Lehrmann, Series entrepreneur and investor
After successful exits of Bilbasen (Co-founder and CEO) and Benjamin
Media (Investor and CEO) Jan Dal Lehrmann devoted the rest of his life
to investing in startups. Jan helps them with strategy, scaling, internationalization and
facing the facts fast via an active board role.
Previous investments and exits include: Bilbasen, Benjamin Media, Autobutler
and Bazoom. Now, Jan uses most of his time on Actimo, Mybanker, Plecto,
Unwire, Repeatly leasing, Trophy Games, Spain Holiday and not least Normal A/S,
which in 2017 was recognized as the fastest growing company in Denmark
(Årets Gazelle) with a growth of 12,000% over the past 4 years.

Peter Warnøe, CEO Nordic Eye Venture capital
An experienced tech and real estate investor and C-level executive with more than 20+ years of experience, Peter has been involved in 10+ successful exits in the Nordics as founder, investor or board member focusing on driving international growth. Known for being a relationship builder with extensive social capital, one of Peter’s key skills is mentoring new entrepreneurs to optimize strategy and growth. Peter has also been engaged in a prominent collaboration with Copenhagen Incubator, The Danish Export Council, and held a membership of an advisory board for the former Danish Prime Minister. This year, Peter became a household name in Denmark as a new ’lion’ in the hugely popular Danish TV show Løvens Hule.

Jared Heymann, CEO & founder of CrowdMed
Jared Heyman is the founding General Partner of Rebel Fund, a seed-stage venture capital fund powered by an elite network of top Y Combinator alumni along with a proprietary machine learning algorithm for statistically predicting startup success.
He previously co-founded Pioneer Fund, a top-performing venture fund that pools capital and expertise from 170+ Y Combinator alumni to invest in YC startups, and served as General Partner through its first 40 investments. Heyman is also the Executive Chairman of CrowdMed (, which harnesses ‘the wisdom of crowds’ to solve difficult medical cases online. The company has raised millions in capital from top-tier Silicon Valley venture funds NEA, Khosla Ventures, Andreessen-Horowitz, Greylock, SV Angel, Y Combinator and more.
Jared has spent 20+ years as an Internet technology entrepreneur. He bootstrapped his first companies, the online survey firm Infosurv its spin-out, the online prediction market firm Intengo, to tens of millions in aggregate revenue before exiting operationally.
He has been featured on Bloomberg TV, Fox News, USA Today, CBS News, NBC News, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Forbes, CNN Online, the Chicago Tribune, Entrepreneur magazine, TechCrunch, BusinessWeek, VentureBeat, Wired, Fast Company, NPR, MedCrunch, New Scientist magazine, and dozens more. Heyman was formerly a consultant at Bain & Company and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Texas at Austin with majors in Business Honors and Marketing. He is the lead inventor on multiple US patents related to prediction market technology.