Saga er en partineutral bevægelse for den yngre generation. Saga kæmper for, at de yngre generationer i højere grad bliver hørt og inkluderet i beslutningsprocessen i virksomheder og samfundet generelt. Saga er ledet af en bestyrelse med erhvervsmanden Tue Mantoni som formand, mens Saga er stiftet af fire unge erhvervsprofiler, der ønsker at gøre samfundet endnu bedre. Saga arbejder med en langt række samarbejdspartnere, herunder Deloitte, Kraka, Kontrapunkt m.fl.. Sagas mål er, at der bliver truffet mere langsigtede beslutninger inden for væsentlige samfundsdagsordener som klimaomstilling, uddannelse, erhvervsliv etc. Til ungdommen – for samfundet.


Alexander Hasenberg, medstifter og bestyrelsesmedlem SAGA, Head of Strategic Planning
Group Sustainability, Stakeholder Relations & Marketing, Danske Bank
Læs mere om Alexander Hasenberg

Alexander Hasenberg is Co-founder and member of the Board of Directors in SAGA, a non-partisan movement in Denmark focusing on creating a better society across generations. Furthermore, he is Head of Management Office for Group Sustainability, Marketing & Stakeholder Relations in Danske Bank, where he act as trusted advisor to one of the senior executives in the bank. Before joining Danske Bank, Alexander worked with executive search and assessment at Russell Reynolds Associates. He holds an M.Sc. in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School with supplementary courses from Stanford- and Harvard University.

Jesper Theil Thomsen
Chief Executive Officer, Soundboks Copenhagen
Læs mere om Jesper Theil Thomsen

Jesper Theil Thomsen er stifter og bestyrelsesmedlem i organisationen SAGA. SAGA er en ny, partineutral politisk ungdomsorganisation, som kæmper for at få flere unge involveret i politik, samt at forstærke ungdommens stemme i den offentlige debat. SAGA blev stiftet 1. Juli 2021, og har 9 måneder efter sin stiftelse over 1000 medlemmer. Ved siden af sit hverv i SAGA, er Jesper Direktør og medstifter af virksomheden SOUNDBOKS. 

Andreas Faarup, Co-Founder af Firmnav
Læs mere om Andreas Faarup
Andreas Faarup is co-founder and CEO of Firmnav, an AI company focused on next-generation analytics on companies and markets. He is Co-Author of the book Supertrends, and holds experience with private equity from FSN Capital and investment banking from Goldman Sachs and Barclays. In addition, Andreas holds a B.Sc. in International Business from Copenhagen Business School.
Cecilie Gyldenvang Møller, associate hos McKinsey, arbejder med sustainable transformation
Læs mere om Cecilie Gyldenvang Møller

Cecilie is a member of SAGA. She wants to increase the focus on the need for sustainable change across our society, with the desire to make sustainability a way of living, and a license to operate for organizations. Cecilie works as a management consultant, focusing on business building, transformation, and awareness within sustainability for global and European organizations and the public sector. 3 years ago, she took part in kickstarting the sustainability agenda within VL by conducting sustainability workshops across the country with VL groups.