Thomas Egebo (Master of Science (MSc) in Economics) is CEO of Energinet - a position he has held since May 2018. Prior to that he was Permanent Secretary in the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. Since 2007 he held the position as Permanent Secretary for the energy field in different Ministries. Before entering the energy field, Thomas held positions in the Ministry of Traffic and the Ministry of Finance for a number of years.
17/3/2022 Kl. 15.30 - 16.20
VL afholdt torsdag d. 17. marts 2022 kl. 15:30 - 16:20 en særepisode i Industriens Hus. Clement Kjersgaard bød indenfor til en vigtig og højaktuel dialog, med fokus på de nylige udfordringer vores virksomheder har fået - især i forhold til energiforsyningen og vores cybersikkerhed.
NB: Episode 2 i Sustainable Leadership serien udsættes til fordel for denne særepisode

Thomas Egebo
Energinet – VL16

Thomas Lund-Sørensen
Tidligere chef for Center for Cybersikkerhed

Marlene Wind
University of Copenhagen

Casper Klynge
Microsoft Corporation

Clement Behrendt Kjersgaard

Ida Bratting Kongsted
VL – VL16
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