Annual General Meeting 2020







Annual General Meeting 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020


The AGM was held VIRTUALLY and at the offices of PwC in Copenhagen on Tuesday the 6th of October 2020 where prominent Industry Leaders and Experts launched the VL-initiative DIGITAL RESHAPING.

In the coming years, digital technologies will contribute to rebuilding health, economies, and sustainability after COVID-19. This requires a massive and continuous lift of skills, as well as brave investments, innovation, and not least an ethical and socially responsible use of the new technologies.

The foundation for this is strong leadership, based on an understanding of the digital potential, as well as a strategic change of mindset about how to navigate and develop business in a new reality of rapidly changing markets and products, as well as new requirements for competencies and business resilience. With Digital Reshaping, we are looking at the big picture and raising the bar: How can new technologies not only help us improve our daily lives and health, but also help us make the world a better place than it was before the outbreak of the new coronavirus?

The health crisis has shown that even powerful nations and strong economies can turn vulnerable within just a few weeks, and that it is crucial that we need to build more resilient societies.

Digital Reshaping builds on the two previous VL-themes; Responsible Business – A Competitive Advantage and The UN Global Goals – A Competitive Factor. The purpose of the initiative Digital Reshaping is to inspire and engage VL members to take concrete action to strengthen responsible digital transformation and business resilience.

The on-demand version of the live streaming of the meeting is available for members only. Please do not hesitate to contact the VL-Secretariat if you have not yet received mail with link to the streaming.