Personal data policy

Last updated March 2023

1. General

1.1. This website is owned by the Danish Management Society, CVR number 54 76 36 11, Sankt Annæ Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen K.

1.2. The Danish Management Society (“we”, “our”, “us”, “VL Society”) is concerned with protecting your personal data.

1.3. This policy (the “Personal Data Policy”) explains what personal data we collect about you when you visit our website (“the website”), when and why we collect the information, how we use it, the conditions for our disclosure to others, and how we store it safely.

1.4. Please read the Personal Data Policy thoroughly to understand how we handle your personal data.


2. Who we are

2.1. The VL Society is an association registered in Denmark with CVR number 54 76 36 11. We are located at Sankt Annæ Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen K.


3. Information we collect directly from you

3.1. We collect various information about you when you visit and use the website.

3.2. Inquiries/registrations

  • When you send us an inquiry or register for an event through our online forms, we use the information you have provided in the form to respond to you or register you for the event.

3.3. Feedback

  • To ensure that the services we offer meet your requirements, we may ask for your feedback in the form of surveys, customer satisfaction analyzes or market research. Any feedback you give us will be used solely for the purpose of improving our services and will not be published.


4. Security

4.1. All your information is stored on secure servers with us or our approved data processors within the EU and pursuant to the EU US Privacy Shield agreement.

4.2. We maintain necessary organizational, technical, and physical security measures to protect your information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of or access in accordance with the data protection regulations in Denmark and the EU.

4.3. Despite our efforts to establish a secure environment for the website, you should know that no information is completely secure on the internet. You should therefore always include necessary safety measures on your own equipment.


5. Storage period

5.1. We store your data until it is no longer necessary for us to process it. In certain situations, it may be difficult to give an exact timeframe in advance, but the section below shows our framework for the processing time of your information.

5.2. Inquiries from you:

  • Stored up to 6 months after the end of processing.

5.3. Feedback:

  • Stored up to 5 years after receiving it. As far as possible, we save your feedback in anonymous form and have a long storage period in order to be able to measure our own efforts over time.

5.4. If we have reason to store your information as part of the protection of our legitimate interests, including e.g., legal disputes, we reserve the right to store your information for a longer period of time and at least until the end of the case.


6. Sharing your information

6.1. We share your information with third parties when necessary to provide you with our service. The following is understood by third parties:

  • Collaboration partners
  • Security approved data processors who help us with IT or other services

6.2. When we share information with collaboration partners, you must be aware that they may already have information about you, collected in another way, e.g. if you have had contact with them in another context.

6.3. We also share your information with the above or other third parties if we are required to do so by law or in order for us or the Group to protect our interests in a legal dispute.


7. Your rights

7.1. You are welcome to gain insight into the information we process about you, as well as to have information updated, corrected, deleted, or provided. All requests to this effect must be made in writing to

7.2. We reserve the right to process and/or pass on your personal data outside the described areas of use, if we are expressly obliged to do so as a result of the legislation, or for the purpose of protecting our interests in a legal dispute.

7.3. If you wish to complain about our processing of your data, please contact us first. If we cannot help you, you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.


8. Changes

8.1. We reserve the right to change the Personal Data Policy from time to time. If there are significant changes, we will inform you via e-mail if you have a member profile in our database.


9. Contact information

9.1. If you have any questions or other inquiries regarding our Personal Data Policy, please write to