Do we have a unique Danish growth model and key to the future?
Sign up for the VL Summit on May 27th, 2025, in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen

Watch or rewatch the VL Summit 2024

Now you can watch recordings from the keynotes and panel discussions throughout the event. You can also see photos from the whole day.

Do we have a unique Danish growth model and key to the future?
Sign up for the VL Summit on May 27th, 2025, in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen

Watch or rewatch the VL Summit 2024

Now you can watch recordings from the keynotes and panel discussions throughout the event. You can also see photos from the whole day.

Videos from VL Summit 2023

Nader Mousavizadeh: Geopolitical disruption

Se eller gense, når VL Døgnet starter med at zoome ud på det helt store makroøkonomiske billede. Nader Mousavizadeh, VL1, som er Founding Partner og CEO for Macro Advisory Partners, hjælper os med at forstå den globale geopolitiske situation, som vi også som danske ledere er nødt til at navigere i.

Jakob Stausholm: Rio Tinto and the navigation of uncertainty

Som Executive Director & CEO for Rio Tinto, som er et globalt førende mineselskab, giver Jakob Stausholm et indblik i det ledelsesmæssige maskinrum, hvor han som CEO både skal navigere i den globale uro på alle kontinenter, navigere i politisk pres på industrien og håndtere det dynamiske dilemma mellem økonomi og værdier.


"The Annual Danish Top Executive Summit is Denmark’s most valuable networking event for top management. It’s always a source of inspiration, whether I am a participant or a speaker."

Peder Tuborgh

CEO, Arla Foods

“The Annual Danish Top Executive Summit provides an informal setting where I can meet top executives from other major Danish companies and find new inspiration. It is an event for which there is (almost) always space in my calendar.”

Flemming Besenbacher