Ambassador Michael Zilmer-Johns, Commander of first Class of the Order of Dannebrog, studied economics at Copenhagen University and Christian Albrecht University in Kiel. He began his carrier at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs working on GATT, EEC accession negotiations with Spain and Portugal as well as development co-operation with Latin America, Angola and Mozambique. From 1985-88 he served as Secretary of Embassy at the Danish EEC representation in Brussels. Back in Copenhagen he became Secretary of the Corporate Board and Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign Minister. 10 days before the terror attack on 9/11 2001 he was appointed Political Director and worked intensively during the next two years handling the ensuing crisis i.a. chairing the EU Political Committee during the Danish EU Presidency in 2002. In 2003 he became foreign and security advisor to Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen with the Iraq war and the EU Constitutional Treaty among key challenges. In 2005 he returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as State Secretary for Foreign and European Affairs. His responsibilities covered the EU, OSCE, Denmark's strategic partnerships with the US, Russia and China, other bilateral relations as well as security, including NATO and Danish participation in military operations. He was the Danish Sherpa during the negotiation of the Lisbon Treaty, chaired the Danish EU-Committee that co-ordinates Danish positions on all EU-matters and often represented the Danish Government at EU ministerial meetings. 2013-14 he was seconded to the European External Action Service as advisor to High Representative Cathy Ashton on security and defence. 2014-18 he served as Danish Ambassador to NATO. He served as Chief of Protocol from 2018 to 2021. In March 2020 the Danish Government tasked him also to chair a special working group with a mandate to write an analysis of Denmark's international and security situation to prepare the next multiannual Danish Defence spending Agreement.

On Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 16:00-19:00, VL is pleased to host our Annual Christmas Gathering at Nimb in the Tivoli Gardens.
All international VL members as well as Danish VL group chairmen are invited to an interesting and highly topical afternoon focused on a Global Update for 2022.
All other VL members are of course invited to take part in the event online through our live stream via Zoom.
Most corporate experts and political analysts agree that the world is in an unpredictable and unstable state, and that the balances of power are shifting now. This entails long term consequences for business and security policies. The unpredictability that our companies are experiencing for the moment, as well as the possibility to navigate it, will be our main theme at our Global Update 2022. The afternoon’s panel of interesting speakers will build on – and explore – which topics have specific impact on our businesses in Denmark as well as our Danish businesses abroad. The dialogue will touch on topics such as the war in Ukraine – including production flow and supply chains for Danish companies. We will also focus on the ongoing inflation, the continued green transition (versus) the tech development, the lack of appropriate labour force in certain industries, and last, but not least, the remaining threat of COVID-19.
We have created a line-up of highly competent and interesting panel speakers for the afternoon. As always, our perspective is business oriented with a special focus on Danish companies at home and abroad. In addition to an update on the current geopolitical situation, we want to give you an insight into the Danish business and foreign policy scene, which, by Christmas time, probably will look somewhat different and hopefully be more clarified than right now shortly after the Danish parliamentary election.

Michael Zilmer-Johns
Chairman of the Danish Government’s Security Policy Analysis Group

Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae

Søren Pap-Tolstrup

Mette Maix

Lisbeth Knudsen
Strategy Director Altinget and Monday Morning, former Editor in Chief and commentator.
Ida Brattting Kongsted
Bernstorffsgade 5
1577 København
Virtual participation:
If you are registered to participate in a virtual VL meeting, you will receive a link to log into Zoom the day before as well as one hour before the meeting starts.
Change participation status:
If you are registered to participate physically, but wish to change to virtual participation, you can change your status via the confirmation e-mail you received at initial registration.
No-show fee:
If you are registered to participate physically, de-registration must happen no later than 7 days before the meeting. In case of later de-registration or same day no-show, VL will charge a no-show fee of DKK 500. The fee will be charged through invoice.
Read about parking here
Tentative programme
04:00 PM
30 min
Welcome & Christmas greetings with family
04:30 PM
30 min
Presentation by Michael Zilmer-Johns, Ambassador
05:00 PM
70 min
Panel debate with: Chairman of the Board Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, EVP Søren Pap-Tolstrup, CEO & Board member Mette Maix
06:10 PM
20 min
Questions & discussion
06:30 PM
30 min
Champagne & networking
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