VL Events
The Danish Management Society (VL) arranges numerous events. More than hundred each year. All VL-events have the mission as focal point: “VL fosters and encourages knowledge and understanding of modern leadership. Accordingly, VL aims to contribute to the sustainable, financial success, social progress and general improvement of the conditions of our society.” – 8 April 1965.
The majority of the meetings are arranged by the respective VL Groups themselves – and usually takes place at the respective members’ corporate head office. All the members of the respective groups are invited to attend in the typically 6 to 8 meetings per year. Some of the meetings are in form of breakfast meetings, others are late afternoon/evening meetings, and others are virtual or a combination.
The Danish Management Society arranges large, high profile events to where all the members across the groups are invited. These events are for instance the Annual General Meeting, the Annual VL Summit which is Denmark’s largest Summit for business leaders, meetings with the international VL-groups, meetings with the many Chairs of the groups, workshops taking place in connection with the Annual Theme etc. The coming meetings (in person and/or virtual) are listed below:
Please do not hesitate to write to the VL team at info@vl.dk, if you are interested in hearing more about our events.
The events are for members only.
VL Summit 2025
Tuesday, 27 May at 10.00 – 18.00
Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
In a time marked by global uncertainty and rapid changes in technology, climate, demographics, and economy, we as leaders have a responsibility to ensure that our companies and societies are prepared for future challenges.
So, what would it take to develop the unique model to tackle the major challenges of the future and strengthen Danish Business life and competitiveness? How do we make the Danish societal model the key to the future?
All of this will be unfolded at the VL Summit 2025.
Stay tuned on this page as we continuously update the program!
Physical meeting