About the Groups

The Danish Management Society (VL) has around 4,000 members, organised into network groups of 30–40 members each, also called “VL Groups”. The groups are created according to members’ geographical affiliation, but also across industries in the public and private sectors.


What happens in a VL Group?

As members of a VL group, executives have an opportunity to:

  • Share experience and discuss opinions with others at the same level of responsibility;
  • Test out thoughts and ideas relating to business and organisational development, as well as personal growth;
  • Participate in high-calibre initiatives involving managerial, societal and financial issues;
  • Discuss one’s own challenges in an informal discreet setting;
  • Get a broader view of topical business and societal issues;
  • Gain insight into wider contexts relevant to the individual executive’s personal growth – professionally, functionally and humanly;
  • Weigh one’s own opinions and attitudes against those of others.

Led by the Group’s Chair/Board with input from the Society, the individual Group plans its own activities, including the frequency and topics of its meetings, but there are at least eight meetings a year, all of which are highly professional in nature.


Meetings across the Groups

In addition to meetings in the Group, all members are invited to attend the Annual Danish Top Executive Summit and a.o. the Annual General Meeting where it is possible to meet peers from other Groups and listen and learn from inspiring speakers from Denmark and abroad.

Questions about Membership

Contact the Secretariat who is ready to assist you. Click here >